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Mar 25, 2020

We are joined today by martial arts expert and overall inspiring guy, Kyoshi Thomas Clifford. We invited him on today to share some wisdom related to living intentionally and successfully through the current COVID-19 pandemic. We cover the importance of providing yourself and your children with structure in the midst of what is, for many people, a less-structured time. In such a time we ought to lead by example—be a victor, not a victim. Now is the time to stay strong, not just for yourself but for your community. To distill the message down to a single phrase, Kyoshi is telling us to persevere in personal responsibility in all aspects of life. We talk more specifically about persevering in the fight for good health. We have a golden opportunity right now to start developing some disciplines. Will you come out of this situation healthier, happier, and better than before, or will you retreat from discipline and be self-indulgent? We talk about all kinds of strategies for kicking addictions as well. Thanks for tuning in!

Contact Info:

Kyoshi Thomas Clifford:

  • Email:
  • Facebook: Thomas Clifford (personal profile)
  • Facebook Group: A Dojo for Everyone

Diet Doctor CME:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Dr. Tro Kalayjian: