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Thank you for listening to the LowCarbMD Podcast. Please consider supporting this podcast with a donation through Patreon.

Jun 5, 2023

Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Amanda Decker is a nurse practitioner using low carb, keto, and carnivore to reverse chronic disease. She is a member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. She has been a nurse working in primary care and weight management since 2005, and is an entrepreneur. She will be putting on a Low Carb conference in Tennessee soon called Low Carb For Better Health 2023.

In this conversation, Tro and Amanda talk about how Amanda became interested in medicine and why she chose nursing as her career, Amanda’s experience working as an NP, treating chronic disease with nutrition, the inception and founding of her own clinic, the upcoming Low Carb For Better Health 2023 conference, supplements, and shakes.

For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!


Amanda Decker:

Dr. Brian Lenzkes:

Dr. Tro Kalayjian:

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