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Feb 27, 2019

We had a great time talking with Eric Sodicoff, MD.  Join us as we talk about the realities and frustrations of practicing medicine today.  We review our personal journeys and discuss recent literature regarding the Low Carb lifestyle. We had a lot of fun and learned a lot from each other. Please join us for this great...

Feb 25, 2019

Join us with Dr. Jeff Gerber, MD (Denver's Diet Doctor) to discuss Low Carb and the new Eat Lancet dietary guidelines. Dr. Gerber talks about his personal and front line professional experience with Low Carb.  Dr. Gerber discussing the Low Carb Denver conference coming up March 7-10th.  After this podcast was recorded...

Feb 18, 2019

Low Carb MD is joined by Ivor Cummins (The Fat Emperor) to discuss insulin resistance, coronary calcium scores, and cardiac risk factors.  Ivor brings his engineering skills to us doctors to help us figure out the root cause of metabolic disease. We discuss the work of Dr. Joseph Kraft and many more important topics. ...

Feb 11, 2019

This week we are honored to be joined by the great Dr. Ted Naiman.  We discuss the importance of cutting carbohydrate intake and how to increase fat oxidation. Dr. Naiman discusses the importance of increased protein intake and high intensity exercise. We discuss why some people struggle on a Ketogenic Diet and how...

Feb 4, 2019

Please join us for an amazing episode with Georgia Ede, MD who is a practicing psychiatrist focusing on lifestyle modification in treating her patients. She discusses her struggles with food and how she improved her physical and mental health with a carnivore diet.  Dr. Ede is a voice of reason in nutrition...and one...